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system integration engineer中文是什么意思

用"system integration engineer"造句"system integration engineer"怎么读"system integration engineer" in a sentence


  • 系统集成工程师


  • Analysis of system integration engineering in intelligent building
  • Our company is a system integration engineering firm , specially dealing with the information network project , peacefully guards against the monitoring to report to the police , the intelligent building system , the led display monitor , the public broadcast system , the group telephone , checking attendance system , multimedia classroom , erp software etc
    注册资金2000万元人民币,是一家专业从事信息网络工程,安防监控系统,智能楼宇系统, led显示屏,公共广播系统,集团电话,门禁考勤,多媒体教室网,门禁考勤收费一卡通, erp软件等系统的系统集成工程公司。
用"system integration engineer"造句  
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